Global Ethical Finance Initiative

IISD-CMI is a Member to
Global Ethical Finance Initiative (GEFI)


IISD-CMI agrees in principle and endorses Global Ethical Finance Initiative (GEFI)'s Declaration, and as it's Member. IISD-CMI have expressed their interest in participating in 2 of GEFI's Events

1. Finance for Nature and
2. Faith in SDGs - as a part if it's Path to COP 26 Campaign 2021

IISD-CMI is a Member to Global Ethical Finance Initiative (GEFI)
and hence endorses the Declaration as well as - The Path to COP26 – A Campaign for 2021.

To help build momentum towards the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow in November 2021, the Global Ethical Finance Initiative (GEFI) has launched an integrated campaign of events entitled the “The Path to COP26”. As GEFI is a not-for-profit based in Glasgow and has been at the forefront of convening the ethical finance market for several years, it is uniquely placed to curate this campaign.

We at IISD-CMI believe the finance sector needs to act together to achieve decisive action at COP26, the most important climate summit since Paris. With a global footprint and Scottish roots, Global Ethical Finance Initiative has united the leading financial services stakeholders committed to action at COP26, with a campaign of over 30 events and activities aligned to three core themes, out of which, We at IISD-CMI are keen with two: Finance for Nature and Faith in the SDGs.